
15 'Food Scams' To Ruin Your Lunch Break


Published 4 years ago

If you're feeling hungry, we apologize for the following images that reflect terrible food crimes. The subreddit /r/FoodScam has been growing in popularity which is pretty sad when you think about it because this means people are constantly receiving terrible meals after paying for them. Below are 15 of the funniest scams that we sincerely hope are not your meal.

This Cannoli Crime

(Source: Reddit)

Death By Pickle Overdose

(Source: Reddit)

A Tomato Burger

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty Sure That's Mold

(Source: Reddit)

A+ For Effort

(Source: Reddit)

Surely Chipwich Should Sue For Image And Likeness?

(Source: Reddit)

Thai Food That Was Prepared By A Prankster

(Source: Reddit)

An Actual Drop Of Chocolate In The Inside

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Like Something Is Missing

(Source: Reddit)

A School Cafeteria That Really Needs A Yelp Review

(Source: Reddit)

This Depressed Chick-fil-A Sandwich

(Source: Reddit)

A Tiny Pizza That Definitely Didn't Need To Go In That Box

(Source: Reddit)

So There's This Thing Called A Microwave…

(Source: Reddit)

An Airport Sandwich Because Why Not Make Everything Terrible When Flying?

(Source: Reddit)

A Filet-O-Fish That Might Make You Vomit

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/foodscam, cheese, sandwiches, cookies, pizza, chick-fil-a, ham and cheese, thai food, pickles, filet o'fish, cannolis, collections,
