Karens are special people. We don't know how they wound up being the most entitled human beings in the world, but they certainly feel like they deserve it, because they're always waiting impatiently in line to speak to the manager of the local department store over a slight price discrepancy or something equally minor. And nowadays, they've been joining social media and online forums to voice their complaints where everyone can see them.

It seems like there's just no escaping them. We can't go through a day without stumbling upon some petty complaint on Facebook. Karens are truly an unstoppable force, something that's become so confusing, frustrating and still somehow entertaining that we just can't stop staring at them from afar. We've gathered some of the most annoying Karens and Karen-related nuisances out there for you to "enjoy." Good luck.

Karen Missed Her Appointment

It sounds like there's a big piece of the story missing, so allow me to translate Karen's comment: she showed up more than two minutes late, and by then, her hairdresser was starting to work with someone else. She would have still honored Karen's appointment after a short wait if it weren't for the fact that Karen definitely threw an adult tantrum, which made everyone working in the store uncomfortable, which is why her hairdresser refused to look in her direction. Karen was then told she would not be having her hair done that day. Thus, Karen goes online and rants about the lateness policy in order to deflect blame from herself.


Christmas Card from Aunt Karen

Please Be Satire

I've seen so many genuine Karens like this that I can't even tell if this is satire or not anymore.

The Lunch Rush

Donut Smell

I don't know what kind of evil human being complains about the amazing smell of donuts being made, and I hope to never meet someone like this.

This Review on a Small Family-Run Coffee Shop

The person who found this review clarified that the family who owns the coffee shop does not "hate white people."

Karen Caught Lying

Weekend at Bernie’s

To clarify, the family was actually there to see a Christmas display. And Karen decided to antagonize them.

How Is This the K-Mart Employees’ Fault?

Parking Police

That’s What Happens When You Order 10 Mins Before Closing

Parking Horizontally to Block the Other Charging Spaces

Christmas Skeletons

Speeding Firetruck

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