It’s always better to know than it is to not know — at least, that's how the saying goes, we think. Our world is many things, but most of all it is an interesting rock, far more interesting than any of the competition (there’s nothing going on on Mars or Jupiter because those planets are inferior). Every place on the face of our planet is different, and often there’s a reason that is natural, political or something else, but sometimes it’s just some weird random decision somebody made 500 years ago that led to the reality we live in now.

Maps have always been here to catalog those odd parts of the world that we never really think about too much otherwise, and sometimes they're full of fun facts that remind us why our planet is so much more interesting than any others out there (at least so far). These maps will give answers to questions you never thought to ask, which is honestly what Reddit is great for in the first place. They are mildly interesting, and while looking at them may not give you the most useful knowledge in your day-to-day, they will share some information and that little serotonin bump we all live for.

Hey, I'm Walkin' Here! (Pedestrian Signage Across Europe)

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This hypothetical country would truly be a powerhouse. It would sweep the Olympics every four years, and dominate all-around.

Average Flag Color

(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Just like with the metric/customary system debate, the United States again chooses to do its own eccentric, antiquated thing while most of the rest of the world embraces A4.

Olive Oil vs. Butter

(Source: Reddit)

Sliced World

(Source: Reddit)

Making The Grade

(Source: Reddit)

Land Or Blood?

(Source: Reddit)

Italian Boy Names (2020)

(Source: Reddit)

A bunch of Italian bros named Leonardo are going to be chilling up and down the peninsula come the 2040s.

Auto Complete

(Source: Reddit)

Now, whether the answers to these questions exist on Google is another question entirely.

Geology's Effects

(Source: Reddit)

Named Countries

(Source: Reddit)

Flamingo Habitat

(Source: Reddit)

For a bird that is not so good at flying, they are surprisingly widespread.

The Spread Of Tea

(Source: Reddit)

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Mildly Interesting
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