We all know someone like this — someone who genuinely believes they're the smartest person on the planet, but clearly isn't. Of course, they brag about their nonexistent intelligence constantly. It's never successful. No one on Earth will believe these people are as smart as they think they are. Of course, IQ tests are never an exact measurement of intelligence, but when someone claims their IQ is 170 and they have 12 degrees in subjects they appear to know nothing about, I highly doubt they're telling the truth at all.

Thanks to countless encounters with these such people, Redditors have cataloged some of the most awkward failures these people wound up making when they claimed they were smarter than everyone else. Of course, they'll never see where they went wrong, but we'll never let them live it down. These are some of the funniest examples of people who think they're smart acting like they're quite the opposite.

Dating App Idea

(Source: Reddit)

Hopefully, Spelling Isn't On the Test

(Source: Reddit)

The Therapist Said So

(Source: Reddit)

You Wouldn't Understand the Answer

(Source: Reddit)

Baby Food Culture

(Source: Reddit)

My Brain Just Plays Elevator Music and Quotes from The Room

(Source: Reddit)

Big Words in This Wikipedia Entry

(Source: Reddit)

Probably on a YouTube "Genius Test"

(Source: Reddit)

Happy New Year

(Source: Reddit)

Show Less

(Source: Reddit)

How Dare You Use Proper Measurements

(Source: Reddit)

In a Discussion About Fireworks Regulations on YouTube

(Source: Reddit)

He's Proved Multiple Philosophers and Theologians Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Now We Know What Condescending Means

(Source: Reddit)

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