As much as people may want you to believe their stories, it's pretty obvious that these 15 things did not happen. Even the most gullible people in the world wouldn't buy into some of these. You can't believe everything you read online, and you definitely should be laughing at these posts from /r/thatHappened, because if anything didn't happen, it's these stories. They usually end with something along the lines of "everyone clapped" or OP breaking a world record with no one else there to witness it. We don't know who they think they're fooling, but thankfully it's not us.

Reddit's /r/thatHappened is full of some of the most awkward attempts people have made to gain likes online through obvious lies, and it serves as a great reminder to fact check everything, even though nothing is so obvious as these idiotic stories. Here are some of the funniest examples of things we were told were true, but aren't even realistic lies.

Breakfast in Bed from a 2-Year-Old

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Cringe in Its Purest Form

(Source: Reddit)

Faster than Usain Bolt

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Biggest Muscles

(Source: Reddit)

Salt Jesus

(Source: Reddit)

Another Proud Parent

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tell Me Why

(Source: Reddit)

A Qualified Professor

(Source: Reddit)

I Mean, It's Walmart, so It's Not Impossible

(Source: Reddit)

Future Prime Minister

(Source: Reddit)

Fountain Pen

(Source: Reddit)

Chad Move from a 5-Year-Old

(Source: Reddit)

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Some of these stories may not be real now, but Triple Poe's Law in full effect, someday, some of these stories may become true.
