Reddit probably isn't the best site for optimists to spend their time, but the images shared here can give us a nice reminder that we're not the only ones having a miserable time. When life gets rough, it's good to know that it could always be worse. Watching other people suffer can bring us peace in a strange way (they're posting their L's voluntarily, of course; they're okay with us making a mockery of their misery, because that's what Reddit's for, after all). It's good to know we're not doing so bad after all, at least in comparison to these people.

The world is never fair, but it seems to have it out for these Redditors. Perhaps they've committed some great atrocity against the universe itself in a past life. From minor inconveniences to the less-than-ideal consequences of owning a dog, these images prove life could be worse. These are some of the best images of people's misfortunes in the past week.

A Towed Car Being Fined for Speeding

(Source: Reddit)

A View of the Front Yard

Moldy Mold Killer

The Neighbor's Kid Carved a Picture in the Side of This Person's Car

The Bakers Threw Out the Bad Dough, and the Yeast Still Rose

Finding a Slug in Your Salad After Eating It

Flamin' Hot Cheetos

Humpty Dumpty Bath Bomb

A Car Destroyed by the Local Serial Arsonist

Finding This on Your Car

Forgotten Cookies

Found Someone's Missing Key

Someone Found the Apple Pencil

On a Similar Note

Homemade Pizza

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I'm not even mad with the slug one, as the ancients once said, if it's good for the slug, is good for you. Also, it would be worse to find half slug dead on the plate.


Alex Reynard

Even worse? Finding METAL SLUG in your salad.



i do feel bad for the people in that flooded neighborhood but they managed to get a pretty cool picture out of it



"What's wrong with the pizza one? Other than it missing cheese."

Scrolls down slightly




Some of these are whatever and others are very very painful to my soul.
