In the U.S., Election Day happens at the same time every two years, leading to plans and fears that can strike from miles away. Meanwhile, Canada has a parliamentary system, meaning they decide when to hold elections a few months in advance. It's just one of many ways that the America's neighbor to the north might as well be another planet to many. As the entire world begins to emerge from under the cloud of election anxiety, let's turn our attention from the U.S. to the land of politeness and poutine and give them the attention they deserve.

Canada's Military History …

(Source: iFunny)

… Might Surprise You

(Source: Reddit)

Canadians Need Dedication …

(Source: Reddit)

… Since Every Day Is A Struggle

(Source: Reddit)

More Than Meets The Eye

(Source: Instagram)

The Birds Prefer Warmer Weather

(Source: Instagram)

Provinces: Like States But Bigger

(Source: Instagram)

Winter Is One Thing, Summer Another

(Source: Instagram)

Canadian Patriotism Runs Deep …

(Source: Instagram)

… And Takes Strange Forms

(Source: Reddit)

They've Heard It Before

(Source: Reddit)

Though They Love The Classics

(Source: Imgur)

Warning: Non-American Pronunciation

(Source: Reddit)

Winter Hits Different

(Source: Twitter)

COVID Hits Different Too

(Source: Twitter)

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Comments 3 total

The Math Hatter

Wait, Canada has dragons?



I wish! Though the "dragons" is referring to Dragons' Den TV show. It's like Shark Tank but was produced within Canada.
