15 'Bodega Cats' Inside Delis Across New York
If you ever visit New York City, chances are you're going to get a sandwich from a bodega. They're the little corner stores on every block and most of them have a store mascot. That's right, the infamous "bodega cat." You can pet him while you wait for your bacon, egg and cheese. Enjoy these 15 adorable kitties whose home is in the snack aisle.
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In all seriousness, Bodega Cats do a good job at scaring away vermin.
They might technically be a fineable offense, but having rats around sniffing your bacon is a much larger fine AND are appreciated by neither customers or bodega owners appreciate.
And frankly, the $200 fine is pretty modest compared to some others handed out, so I don't think it's the Health Department's biggest issue (this is a city where signs of a rodent living outside of the building can cost you a $2000 fine).