
15 Astronauts Discovering Shocking Truths

collection of it's all ohio always has been memes


Published June 29, 2020

Memes sometimes develop in mysterious ways: a one-off joke for a forgotten template can later evolve into a template more popular than the subject it was riffing on. For example, the "Whomst" craze of 2017 was the genesis of Galaxy Brain memes which continue to see use to this day. This year, we've seen Always Has Been memes explode in popularity while the meme that made it popular, Ohio vs. the World, has faded into obscurity. "Always Has Been" memes have transcended their middle-American origins to include dozens of terrific conspiracies. Here's just a slice of what memers have been making of the template.

The OG

(Source: 4chan)

The Ohio Development

(Source: Twitter)

The Move to Collage

(Source: Reddit)

Did People Not Know?

(Source: Twitter)

That's Earth For You

(Source: Reddit)

Always Has, Bro

(Source: Reddit)

Dammit Sasquatch

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

I Can HAZ?

(Source: Reddit)

All Capcom

(Source: Twitter)

The Earth Is A Hat

(Source: Twitter)

Always Will Be

(Source: Twitter)

It's Time To Blast Off

Forever Bosnia

That's Politics For You

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: it's all ohio, always has been, astronaut, collection,
