
14 Weird, Funny And Disturbing Stock Images

Two disturbing stock photos in the following collection.


Published January 04, 2023

Stock photography is a truly strange thing. Companies and freelancers will photograph just about anything with the hopes that someone will want to buy it to use on blogs. But ultimately, most of these images remain unsold, and for good reason. There are just so many images out there that don't seem to have any real-world applications. Even if you try really, really hard to find a justification for it existing, there's some pictures that don't belong anywhere. And among these, there are some that are so weird they're laughable.

No one knows for sure why these pictures exist. They simply do, and we're sort of glad they do, but we're also kind of freaked out and uncomfortable. Here are some examples of stock photos someone should have thought about a little more before creating (or maybe just never mentioned having these photo ideas in the first place).

Whiteout for the Computer

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe she can't figure out how to use spellcheck.

What Does This Mean? I Need Answers

(Source: Reddit)

Seriously, where did this come from? What is this supposed to be about? How did someone suggest this at the stock photo company and not get immediately fired?


(Source: Reddit)

The Egg Man

(Source: Reddit)

I Hate This

(Source: Reddit)

Something about this image is deeply unsettling. Maybe it's the fact that this "mouth" has some extra teeth if you look closely enough.

Alternate Universe

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

When it comes to male body image struggles, this must be the stage of grief between denial and purchasing a super-lifted Chevy truck.

Outdoor Pet

(Source: Reddit)

Ultimate Soda Can

(Source: Reddit)

Sometimes, we can kind of see what people were intending with these weird stock photos. This one, however, has no possible explanation. There's no reason anyone would ever want or need this image, and no reason someone should have dreamt it up in the first place.

We've All Been There

(Source: Reddit)

So Ellen’s New Job Isn’t Looking Too Good

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

When the mob talks about people "swimming with the fishes," this is what I like to think they mean.

Foxy Skeletor

(Source: Reddit)

At first glance, this may seem like the standard October festivities, but on a second inspection, it seems a little too real and out-of-place with that fox skin, so this guy probably just goes around like this all the time.

Up Next on 5-Minute Crafts

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: stock photos, stock photo memes, stock photography, cringe, weird, funny, /r/wtfstockphotos, reddit, collections,
