
14 Tweets That Remind You Of The Normal We're Getting Back To


Published 3 years ago

Having gone through the one-year anniversary of lockdown, people are more ready than ever to see it come to an end. But once people can see each other and go back into the streets, what sort of life will they be returning to? After all, life was far from perfect before lockdown, and it can be easy to let the bad parts disappear from your memory after a year of missing it. Twitter users have created some elaborate collages in Photoshop to fill in the gaps for people, and we've collected them below.

Social Distancing Can Stop Soon, Right?

(Source: Twitter)

So Many Earthly Delights To Enjoy Once More

(Source: Twitter)

The City Of Angels, Flying Again

(Source: Twitter)

It's A Big City

(Source: Twitter)

The Glamour Of The Big Apple, Restored

(Source: Twitter)

Don't Forget The City Of Brotherly Love

(Source: Twitter)

Don't You Miss Real Shopping?

(Source: Twitter)

Back On The Busy Streets

(Source: Twitter)

Not Everywhere Is So Busy

(Source: Twitter)

Back With Your Fellow (Florida) Man

(Source: Twitter)

The Boss, And The Boss

(Source: Twitter)

You What, Mate?

(Source: Twitter)

The Corn Tastes Like Victory

(Source: Twitter)

Back To The Old Witch Burning

(Source: Twitter)

Tags: normal, pandemic, the normal in question, back to normal, vaccine, covid-19, coronavirus, lockdown, quarantine, regional, city, collage, tweet, meme, photoshop, photo edits, collections,
