
14 Times Someone Missed An Incredibly Obvious Joke


Published about a year ago

At some point in life, we've all experienced that uncomfortable feeling of not quite getting a joke. Sometimes we don't even recognize someone's sarcasm properly, and that's where the issues arise. But fortunately, these instances are easy to socially recover from, in most cases. Most of the time, we're aware of where we went wrong and can move on from the topic, only for the joke's meaning to later come to us as we're reliving the haunting social interaction while trying to fall asleep at night. It happens to the best of us.

But there are times when someone missing the joke becomes a much bigger deal. Specifically, this happens when someone posts about the joke on social media, usually in an attempt to rudely correct the original poster as if their meaning had been completely literal. From obviously made-up facts to simple puns, there is a lot out there that people don't seem to recognize as real jokes. These people are now being mocked in Reddit's /r/woooosh. Here are some of our favorite awkward finds.

Why Are There So Many Likes?

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe eleven thousand people liked this comment so it would be pushed high up on the page, so that everyone can see it and roll their eyes.


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AskReddit: If You Had $1 Billion, What Would You Do?

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This crypto joke went horribly underappreciated.

The View Outside

(Source: Reddit)

Slippery Road

(Source: Reddit)

A Bad Joke Made Worse

(Source: Reddit)

Ice Is a Food?

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Can this even be legally categorized as a joke in the first place?

Ok Boomer

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No Way

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Chill Out Backaroo

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Commented on "Rap God" at 2x Speed

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(Source: Reddit)

Thank you for clarifying.


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: woooosh, /r/woooosh, missed the joke, fail, twitter, reddit, collections,
