These jobs weren't particularly difficult to do, and any one of us could have done better than these people did. We have no job training for these things, but we're willing to bet these people didn't either … or they simply didn't care at all. Most likely the latter. Whether through sheer ignorance alone or because someone simply didn't bother to try, these very simple jobs were botched in a way that's honestly very embarrassing. Or at least it would be if the people behind them took any pride in their work at all, which they clearly did not.

It's confusing how such dramatic failures can be allowed to happen, and it'll certainly leave you with a lot of questions that unfortunately don't have an easy answer. So, make up your own backstories for these awful failures and try to wrap your mind around how someone could mess up this badly at something so simple. Take a look at some of Reddit's favorite failures on the job.

One Drake Apart

(Source: Reddit)

They Didn't Think This Through

(Source: Reddit)

Impossible Sudoku

(Source: Reddit)

How Did This Happen?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Please Don't

(Source: Reddit)

Why Not Just Center It?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Call of Duty

(Source: Reddit)

A Toothbrush With No Bristles

(Source: Reddit)

Hanukkah Ham

(Source: Reddit)

Any Name Will Do

(Source: Reddit)

Epic Fight

(Source: Reddit)

This Basketball Court

(Source: Reddit)

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You Had One Job
FAIL / Epic Fail


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