14 Times Reality Did Not Live Up To Expectations Whatsoever
There is nothing quite like disappointment. Have you ever been excited to purchase an item to only have it not live up to its expectations? Did you buy from some somewhat ominous website? Well, that's probably why, but at the same time, this can happen to any of us, no matter how careful we are in buying something. Reality is often disappointing compared to what we were hoping to find, and we've gathered some of those awful moments of disappointment to hopefully make your day feel a little bit better in comparison to that of these unfortunate individuals.
Below are 14 of the funniest products bought by people who were let down enough to post photos of their purchases to the subreddit /r/ExpectationVsReality. And some of them are pretty embarrassing, honestly; it's pretty clear that these product listings were scams. Hopefully they got their money back, but RIP to all of the food that could have been.