Video games usually frown on piracy, but pirates have always been a romantic symbol of freedom and deciding your own life, which is what video games are all about. Sea of Thieves is a multiplayer pirate game that embraces this concept, letting players explore the high seas and plunder anything their cannons can burst open. This week marks a year since the game left early access, and the memes have been circulating the whole time. We've plundered some of the best recent ones for you below.

A Hard Life On Open Waters

(Source: Reddit)

Pirate Priorities

(Source: Reddit)

Danger Lurks

(Source: Reddit)

Might Makes Right

(Source: Reddit)

Every Man For Himself

(Source: Reddit)

Stealing Goes Both Ways

(Source: Reddit)

The Unforgiving Elements

(Source: Reddit)

Beyond What You Know

(Source: Reddit)

Freedom Over The Waters

(Source: Reddit)

Unsinkable Spirit

(Source: Reddit)

Nothing To Hide

(Source: Reddit)

Everything Has A Price

(Source: Reddit)

Balance Of Power

(Source: Reddit)

Always A Bigger Fish

(Source: Reddit)

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