These 14 POV memes are worth imagining yourself in. We can put some of our favorite formats to good use with these, which add a new spin on them. POV memes have been gaining popularity lately, especially with the addition of memes like POV: you're the first person to fall asleep at the sleepover.

There's just something incredibly funny about picturing a classic joke from a new angle, or watching someone horribly misunderstand what a POV meme is. These memes take on current events, pop culture references, our favorite characters and anything else that makes us laugh despite the pain of 2022. Take a look through someone else's eyes with these memes about being someone or something else.

POV? What’s That?

Switching Things Up a Little

Anyone remember those Beggin Strips commercials that took place from the perspective of the dog? Well, here's the next step in their evolution.

Too Late for a Refill

What the Best Cats Do

Who doesn't love a good cat meme?

He Was After the View

Juan is the classic meme about the horse on the balcony.

You Ignored the Warnings

Invincible Moment

I’m Pickle Rick

Come on, flip the pickle, Morty. You're not gonna regret it. The payoff is huge.

How Does It Feel?

You Are the Orb

Now, the orb is pondering this guy instead.

A Wholesome One

Had To Be Done

We All Know One of These Guys

Truly Tragic

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