14 Posts That Might Keep You From Deleting Facebook
Usually when we talk about Facebook, we like to focus on the insane people that occupy their time on there. It's not the most wholesome place. The reality is, it's full of conspiracy theorists and a lot of very opinionated people, and when we would rather hide in a corner and cry quietly than hear about politics, we don't have a choice on Facebook. That's all just part of the experience.
By joining Facebook, you become a part of the hive mind, and you must participate. But these people decided to go above and beyond their regular Facebook duties and create some pretty hilarious jokes. And for once, we aren't thinking about deleting Facebook after reading these. In an effort to prove that comedy does in fact still happen on the outdated social media site, we have gathered a list of comments and posts that are legitimately funny from the subreddit /r/FacebookWins. Below are 15 of our favorites.