14 Photos That Are Incredibly Hard To Look Away From
Today we're happy to offer up a list of images that are so disarming, you'll be distracted for days. One can witness a virtual sideshow on the subreddit /r/Weird. Below are creepy dolls and an assortment of clowns that will definitely provide some nightmare fuel. Here are 14 of our favorites.
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Remind me, do we have a Cursed Images entry, again?
In what version of the Bible is the plague of flies replaced by a plague of lions??
are you sure the "ten plauges masks" one isn't an obvious plant image
That's what I thought too… But I Googled it and it's real and sold on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/PASSOVER-TEN-PLAGUES-MASKS-Holiday/dp/B06XBS3XCP
Surprisingly it's not