Of course Facebook is still providing entertaining material as we carry forward with one of the worst years ever. The social media platform has become quite a cesspool lately, with lots of content that really shouldn't exist, especially when we're supposed to be coming together during the pandemic. Instead, much of Facebook will make you want to socially distance yourself from everyone, because some of the things people post on there are truly terrible.

We're talking about the sort of things the local lacrosse mom posts, of course. The posts that she thinks are hilarious, but they definitely are not funny in the slightest. In fact, many of them are really just insulting, but we guarantee they've been posted unironically by someone before they made their way back here for us to share them with you. Below are 14 painful images selected from the delightful library known as the subreddit /r/terriblefacebookmemes. Even though we found them to be absolutely awful, at least you'll find yourself laughing at how horrible they actually are.

Sorry, Don't Get It

(Source: Reddit)

Alrighty Then

(Source: Facebook)

Of Course

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Interesting Argument

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Christian T-Shirt

(Source: Reddit)

Love When That Happens

(Source: Reddit)

An Experiment!

(Source: Reddit)

Come Thru 5G

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

We Are All Jokers

(Source: Reddit)

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Comments 4 total

Kirb Blanco

Shut the fuck up, you took these memes from Reddit and you know it.



You may not want to hear this.
But seat belt laws aren't about safety.
They're about seeing who's a follower.



Only half of them are bad, the other half are bad but at least makes you laugh


I Need Tea

Oh boy. Minions and Antivaxxers. It's like Cancer and AIDS had a baby.
