Despite concluding its final season all the way back in 1998, Seinfeld remains one of the best comedies of all time. Despite being a "show about nothing," the comedy series is constantly airing on cable and inspiring many to make memes. And, since Newman has declared Tuesday a dreadful day of the week (which it is), we decided to throw together some of the best jokes that are sure to elicit a laugh in this insane year. Here are a few of our favorites.

Welcome Back

(Source: Reddit)

You Can Hear This Meme

(Source: Reddit)

At Least Give Us This On Zoom

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Can't Debate The Data

(Source: Reddit)

Things To Avoid

(Source: Reddit)

No One Better

(Source: Reddit)

Checks Out

(Source: Reddit)

How Exciting

(Source: Reddit)

How Did That Door Not Break?

(Source: Reddit)

God Bless The '90s

(Source: Reddit)

The World's A Stage

(Source: Reddit)

Must Be Nice

(Source: Reddit)

Happy Tuesday

(Source: Reddit)

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