We've all been there — those moments of solitude in the shower when we're cut off from the constant distractions of modern life. Without our phones, computers or smart fridges to keep us entertained, we find ourselves turning inward and exploring the depths of our own minds. And before we know it, that introspection leads to beefy, existential questions that make us reconsider the world around us. And who knows, maybe with enough introspection, we'll even find a way to break free from the Matrix!

Luckily the subreddit /r/ShowerThoughts exists to collect all of these epiphanies and we've made a list of our favorites below. so next time you hop into the shower just remember to be careful, because as we all know, the shower can also be a slippery slope towards dangerous territory, like singing off-key or accidentally using soap as shampoo.

The real gauge of friendship

Real real friends even clean up for you sometimes.

Polka dot shirts imagined

That's one way to think about weight loss!

You'd think they put on a spoiler alert

Every single time!

Blankets' turning point

What does the human brain want? Nobody knows.

One could even say that the human brain is kind of self-destructive.

Human evolution at its finest

Door knocking manners

The turning point age

Never a good sign to have a 5-star rating

No way people can agree on anything these days

Moderately attractive people rizz

The hall-of-fame forbidden food: toothpaste

Highway driving

Knocking manners

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