
14 Memorable Moments Of Vandalism

a collection of photos of mild vandalism images are of a Jack Sparrow presidential sign and a clap for bacon dryer sign


Published September 10, 2020

What better way to combat boredom than by jazzing up boring objects with graffiti or commas that make objects appear way funnier. Not everyone on this planet can be Banksy, but the 14 attempts below are something to marvel at, thanks to the subreddit /r/MildlyVandalised.

Thank You

(Source: u/Wiildman8)

If Only

(Source: u/YoSammitySam666)

I Bet It Smells Great

(Source: u/lukeajones2001)

Such Kind Words

(Source: u/Gyr0Zepp3li)

Can't Wait To Vote

(Source: u/Hammerman305)


(Source: Reddit)

My Favorite Christmas Carol

(Source: u/plsiwanttosleep)


(Source: u/Wiildman8)

The Best Yoda Quote By Far

(Source: u/mikieballz)

Free Him

(Source: u/Uehwiahalaguckslapjs)

Helpful Suggestions

(Source: u/Shall_We_Presuppose)

Still Can't Solve It

(Source: u/kardooma)

I'd Buy It

(Source: u/WTFSUDE)

What Episode Is This?

(Source: u/stick1953)

Tags: /r/mildlyvandalised, cat, racism, signs, bacon, sausage, johnny depp, mcdonald's, rum, africa, toto, feliz navidad, getty images, yoda, bill posters, church signs, rubik's cube, sugar, looney tunes, jesus, hello kitty, collections,
