Being that there are about 10,000 characters and what feels like 300 movies, it's no wonder that Marvel movies provide the best memes. The following images cover every topic, such as owning a dog, coping with the pandemic, and hiding from your mom after failing to do your chores. Thanks to the subreddit /r/MarvelMemes, it appears even superheroes are relatable. Here are 14 of our favorites.

A Necessary Clarification

(Source: Reddit)

Hanging On For Dear Life

(Source: Reddit)

There Is Only One

Striking Similarities

(Source: Reddit)

Time For A Disguise

(Source: Reddit)

Keep It Simple

(Source: Reddit)

Quite A Summary

(Source: Reddit)

Please Stop

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I Am So Sorry

(Source: Reddit)

An Image I Can Feel

(Source: Reddit)

Making Friends On The Street

(Source: Reddit)

Might As Well Call It 'Stress-Checkout'

(Source: Reddit)

Didn't Ask For This, Thanks

(Source: Reddit)

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