Whether you own every console or you're just into Minecraft, all gamers have a lot in common. We're all dealing with the same update issues and the same everyday annoyances of dealing with others in game lobbies. Gaming is a lifestyle, and it's not always a pleasant one, even though we would never give it up.

If you're into gaming, you know the classic struggles that we've all become accustomed to, even if that struggle is just finding some time to play those games in the first place. Not everyone has the same experiences, but we all can understand every gaming story passed our way and relate a little bit, at least more than we relate to our peers in real life. But you're a part of the gamer family now, and we're all here for you, even though we're all shut in our rooms with the curtains drawn and refusing to interact with anyone in the real world. But you get it, right? Here are some of the best memes from people who understand your pain.

Good Work Guys

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Sorry, Please Don't Hurt Me

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What an Improvement

(Source: Reddit)

Bob's Burgers in Animal Crossing

(Source: Reddit)

The Eternal Question

(Source: Reddit)

The Good Old Days

(Source: Reddit)

I Wish This Happened

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks Buddy

(Source: Reddit)

I Can't Be the Only One

(Source: Reddit)

Dogs in Games

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks Guys

(Source: Reddit)

We Live in a Society

(Source: Reddit)

Learn Your Lesson

(Source: Reddit)

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