The American television show Frasier may have ended in 2004, but it has given us all eleven delightful seasons and characters and situations that continue to live on in memes, and with a 2023 reboot, it keeps on giving. Whether you appreciate the finer things in life like opera and fancy wine, or you enjoy sitting on your chair with your dog, these Seattle celebrities are extremely relatable. If you're looking for a new show to stream during lockdown, this is one of the best. Here are 15 of our favorite memes collected from the subreddit /r/Frasier.

This Decade So Far

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Classic Niles

(Source: Reddit)

Peace Out

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Eddie

(Source: Reddit)

So Many Kitchen Conversations

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Are We Sure Those Aren't The Theme Song Lyrics?

(Source: Reddit)

So Many New Phobias These Days

(Source: Reddit)

Quite The Burn

(Source: Reddit)

The One True Winner

(Source: Reddit)

No fair

No Comment

(Source: Reddit)

When Eddie Got A New Accessory

(Source: Reddit)

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Comments 4 total

*Name censored*

How old are people watching this?



There's literally a huge shitposting group on Facebook that does nothing but frasier memes, and you chose the worst ones?


Diceyed Liam

Frasier was a solid show, calm but entertaining. I used to watch it a lot at 3am while i was at working overnights.


Ten Shadows

You missed the best one.

Shamefur dispray.
