We all had much higher expectations for Game of Thrones. Now, we all feel bad for recommending the show to our friends and dragging them through "The Iron Throne" with us. While we wait (forever) for the last two books to come out so we can see how it really ends, here are some of the best memes to help deal with the frustration.

We All Wanted That George

(Source: Reddit)

Making Sure It's Perfect

(Source: Reddit)

No One Understands

(Source: Reddit)

Didn't Even Land

(Source: Reddit)

So Sad

(Source: Reddit)

Better in the Books

(Source: Reddit)

Here We Go Again

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

So Unnecessary

(Source: Reddit)

Good One

(Source: Reddit)

That Works Just as Well

(Source: Reddit)

A Simplified Version of Events

(Source: Reddit)

He's Never Going to Finish Them

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

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George R.R. Martin
The Iron Throne
Game of Thrones
Imminent Ned / Brace Yourselv...

Comments 2 total

winton overwat

Unpopular opinion: The only problem with the later seasons of Game of Thrones was that they wanted to settle at 73 episodes. Literally every single problem with the writing comes from this. If they had taken their time to build up everything like they did in the earlier seasons it wouldn't have felt like nothing made sense



Oh come on, the Star Wars sequel trilogy was worse
