Encountering a Karen is one of the most frustrating daily experiences you can go through in the modern era. They don't understand or care about logic or reason. They're just angry, selfish and they really want to speak to the manager. They also claim the label Karen is a slur, but it's not, and if you think it is, you just might be a Karen too.

If you work retail or food service, you probably tend to encounter people like this on a daily basis. And for that, we sincerely wish you the best, and we acknowledge that you're braver than any of us, because most people would lose their minds if they had to do this. Even looking at the following images can be more than enough Karens for us to deal with. But they're always worth a look, if only to remind ourselves why social distancing isn't so bad after all. Here are 14 of our favorite new Karens shared by witnesses online.

Three Stars for Piercings and Tattoos

Karen Was Caught Swapping Sales Tags on Camera, then Posts This

Maybe the reason the manager wasn't nice is because everyone could clearly see you trying to get away with something on camera?

So They’re Bad for… Not Selling to Underage People?

It would be illegal if they didn't do this.

Reviewer Drags Book for Not Being the First in the Series

I see this word in the name of like half of all Mexican restaurants.

Who’s This Kid’s Manager?

Karen in Training

At least that kid tried to do the right thing.

Karen vs Karen

Karen’s Missing Out on Sales Prices

Maybe Don’t Be Late for Your Appointment?

World’s Oldest Karen

Does This Count?

Looking Good

Closing Time Means Closing Time

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