
14 Humans With An Insane Sense Of Entitlement


Published 4 years ago

People can be incredibly awful. We're not always sure why they're so determined to make everyone else around them absolutely miserable, but there are certainly quite a few people out there who will go to extraordinary lengths to bother others. Or maybe they're just so self-entitled they don't think of anyone else at all and continue doing the same gross nonsense they'd do when no one else is watching. Trashy behavior is something we really hate to see, but the people doing it just don't care.

It appears current events continue to bring out the very best and worst in human behavior. The following posts below are from entitled people who felt like they needed to share just how wrong the world has been treating them in the 2020s. Here are 15 completely tone-deaf Facebook and Twitter posts that will have you burning calories from rolling your eyes alone. Here's hoping that they delete their accounts soon.

When You Can't Wait An Extra 20 Minutes

(Source: u/NotTechincallyAsahi)

Stop Being Greedy

(Source: u/AtlasOO10)

Fear Mongering!!!

(Source: u/silver_quinn)

When You Just Don't Feel Like Paying

(Source: u/Omix592)


(Source: u/a_huert4)

The Audacity

(Source: u/GreatBallz)

She Seems Great

(Source: u/brooklynlad)

Heart Emoji!

(Source: u/BuyMeLotsOfDiamonds)

And Where Are We Filing This Complaint?

(Source: u/FlamiaTheDemon)

Way To Go, Sun

(Source: Reddit)

Well Isn't This Post Antique And Unique

(Source: u/-megaweeniemonday-)

Easily The Worst Type Of Human

(Source: u/dawgpawgmailcom)

When You Have A Temper Tantrum And Throw Menus

(Source: u/Orchid-Blake)

Thank You For Your Service, Lenen

(Source: u/kingkazuma07)

Tags: entitled people, airplanes, starbucks, coronavirus, face masks, apple watch, reviews, macbooks, paper plates, karens, birds, the sun, restaurants, tips, curbside pickup, collections,
