
14 History Memes To Use For 'Educational' Purposes

Left: a meme about the industrial revolution. Right: a history meme about the feudal ages.


Published April 22, 2022

A wise person once said that we must learn from the past in order to avoid repeating it. This quote is often attributed to George Santayana, the famed Spanish-American historian and philosopher. The posters on Reddit's /r/historymemes may not have the same star-studded resume as Santayana, who redefined the practice of historiography in the late 1800s and early 1900s and trained the generation of thinkers, philosophers and poets who pioneered modernism in America.

But these history meme creators certainly display a similar passion and fervor for their subject matter, and really apply themselves to the task of informing the masses. These history memes cover a lot of territory, from the ancient times to the Second World War. You’ll find some memes that are just doing some silly historical posting and others that are debating and discussing theories and ideas about the past. So, take a moment to learn today through these history memes.

They Yearn?

Unsure about how accurate this tweet is, but it was kinda funny so it's included.

Historical Atonement

Feudal System

Feudalism: it wasn't great.

Brits Sent A French

What It Cost

Poor chickens.

They Weren't That Exciting

(Source: Reddit)

Math Chad

Imagine being the first guy to whip out a protractor. Must have been based.

Pretty Horrible, Honestly

(Source: Reddit)

Bruce Ismay

History Repeats Itself

Ol' Reliable

Where Did We Go Wrong?

Et Tu?


It really did happen that quickly.

Tags: history memes, reddit, history, funny, popular, trending, spongebob, collections,
