14 Glimpses Into The Totally Untrue World Of 'Fake History'
Fake history memes will not teach you anything. We guarantee you won't have to learn a single thing about the world's past from these photos that have absolutely nothing to do with real events. And that's totally okay — not all of us want to be learning something all the time, contrary to what your parents believe. It's okay to take a study break, as long as you acknowledge that these memes are complete nonsense, and aren't based in historical fact whatsoever. Seriously, we're not fake news, we just gave you a warning.
They're still pretty entertaining, though, and you'll love the ironic indifference to real history these memes share. I'm sorry to say, your APUSH teacher would probably be pretty mad about these. But they're pretty funny, especially considering how well these images fit in the context of the situations they claim to represent. So sit back, relax, throw your history textbook away, and learn instead from these completely fake history memes.