Independence Day is one of America's favorite holidays. After the tax on tea was too high, the colonies in America declared their independence from England, and now they can't stop us from launching questionable fireworks off in our neighborhoods all around the country. Our advice: stay inside and lock your doors so you don't wind up in the crossfire of your weird drunk neighbor who has a two-foot biker beard and only ever comes out of his house once a year.

This might seem like a barbaric holiday overseas, but here in America, you know exactly what's going on, with the same rituals happening year after year. Since it's the holiday and you'll probably be out celebrating instead of sheltering in place, you might as well have something on-theme to stare at on your phone while ignoring everyone else at the family cookout. Those hotdogs and burgers can only keep you entertained for so long. Celebrate the independence of a country in shambles with some of our favorite Fourth of July memes.

Uranium Is My Favorite

(Source: Reddit)

Almost There

(Source: Reddit)

Declaring Independence

(Source: Reddit)

Appreciate It

(Source: Reddit)

Of Course, We Are

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Forget What Else Today Is

(Source: Reddit)

Happens Every Year

(Source: Reddit)

Sparklers Are Still Great Though

(Source: Reddit)

Good Luck

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Forget

(Source: Reddit)

They're Fireworks, Karen

(Source: Reddit)

Point Taken

We Miss You, Bob Ross

(Source: Reddit)

Tea Costs Too Much

(Source: Reddit)

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I may not like some of America's politics and their politicians (who could?) but I'll give them credit where it's due, your ancestors fought hard and well for that independance and you have all the rights to conmemorate it all.
Happy birthday USA, may your actual freedoms never be revoked…
Also, R.I.P Bob Ross, the world hasn't been as colourful without you.
