All of us know someone who thinks they're incredibly deep. Usually, these people are some of the most annoying out there. They post images that they think truly exemplify how deep they are all over social media and their stories, and they expect people to reply with comments about how intelligent they are with their commentary on society. But the thing is, these people really aren't that deep. And their posts certainly aren't, either.

Thanks to the subreddit /r/im14andthisisdeep, we can all laugh at some things that people genuinely believed were meaningful and said something huge about life as we know it. They really are a lot more cringeworthy than anything, though, and we're pretty sure they don't have anything insightful to say at all. They're just really embarrassing for everyone who posts or even looks at them. Here are some of our favorite not-so-deep posts people unironically posted on social media lately in order to spread their nonexistent meanings.

Secretive Society

(Source: Reddit)

Bro, Lion

(Source: Reddit)

Some Weirdly Shaped Buildings You've Got There

(Source: Reddit)

Just Epic

(Source: Reddit)

Selling Feet Pics

(Source: Reddit)

I think this is supposed to be about acting fake on social media, but it's a better metaphor for selling feet pics to make money. There's no shame in it, I guess.


(Source: Reddit)

Of course, the Joker is back. You were bound to find one of him in this collection at some point.


(Source: Reddit)

Very Deep And Edgy

(Source: Reddit)

I Honestly Have No Clue What This Means

(Source: Reddit)

Anyone have any guesses? Please let me know in the comments, because I don't even know where to start with this one.

Is That A Llama?

(Source: Reddit)

What were they trying to warn us about, exactly?


(Source: Reddit)

Just taking the chance here to point out that Jesus also has five letters.

So, So Sad

(Source: Reddit)

Not So Sure About That

(Source: Reddit)

The Sad Truth

(Source: Reddit)

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