Prepare to witness the subtle art of trying to look like you're not complimenting yourself online when posting something personal. While we should be proud of our accomplishments, it certainly shouldn't always come with drawing attention. Not all of us are into bragging, but if you are, that's okay too, as long as you're not doing what these people are doing, because it's pretty awkward. We're sure you have lots of things to be proud of, but don't make up a fake story to point out your intelligence, success, attractiveness or anything else of note and very clearly show it off on social media. It really doesn't paint the best picture of you, just as it's made the following people look pretty uncomfortable to be around.

The subreddit /r/Humblebrag exists to find people that are incredibly proud of themselves (to a fault) and aren't afraid to talk about it for everyone to see. Below are 15 of our favorites.

So Hard

(Source: Reddit)

Sure You Are

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

All Of The Time!

(Source: Reddit)

The Biggest Reader Of All Time Here

(Source: Reddit)

It's Fine, They're Rich Now

(Source: Reddit)

The Emojis In This Are Terrible

(Source: Reddit)

I Was So Worried You Weren't The Same Still

(Source: Reddit)

Do You Have A Florist In Your School?

(Source: Reddit)

Feeling Very Bad For These Kids

(Source: Reddit)

Thoughts And Prayers!

(Source: Reddit)

Well First, Delete Your Account

(Source: Reddit)

Extremely Relatable

(Source: Reddit)

Odd Like That

(Source: Reddit)

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The one with the interview is more like an r/thathappened.
