Wikipedia is a place where anyone can be an editor, similar to Know Your Meme. However, Wikipedia is more likely to be plagiarized in a last-minute essay. Memes made about Wikipedia usually comment on how easy it's made the world of research. Internet users from across the globe fall into rabbit holes on the site. Fall into your own meme-themed rabbit hole with these 13 images.

All In A Day's Work

(Source: Facebook)

He Won Life

(Source: Facebook)

Couldn't Tell

(Source: Facebook)

So Close

(Source: Facebook)

The Ancient Texts

(Source: Facebook)

That'll Be $10

(Source: Facebook)

Evil Tendencies

(Source: Facebook)

Team Edward

(Source: Facebook)

Saw This Coming

(Source: Facebook)

Not Funny Anymore, Yoda. Get Some Help

(Source: Facebook)

Law Abiding Citizen

(Source: Facebook)

"There Will Be Men, Standing"

(Source: Facebook)

Ur Screwed

(Source: Facebook)

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