
13 Tombstone Ideas That Will Make Your Grave Site Memorable

Two funny tombstones from this collection.


Published October 06, 2021

As a human body that's decomposing, it's important that you can commemorate your memory. Plenty of smart people knew that they could make their grave-sight something memorable, causing any sad cemetery-goer a couple moments of joy and curiosity. For your own mortal imagination, be inspired by these 13 tombstone ideas worth thinking about.

Get In

(Source: Pinterest)

Come Here

(Source: Pinterest)

Of A Certain Era

(Source: Pinterest)

This Is Real

(Source: Pinterest)

Weird Name But Okay

(Source: Funnyjunk)

I Wouldn't Dare

(Source: Funnyjunk)

Not Much Creativity Here

(Source: Instagram)

Talk To Me Nice

(Source: Funnyjunk)

Trolling Forever After

(Source: Reddit)

Tease Me

(Source: Imgur)

Haunted Recipe

(Source: Reddit)

Rest In Peace

(Source: Oddee)

Leave An F In The Chat

(Source: KYM)

Tags: tombstone, grave, cemetary, death, funny, weird, pics, niche, collections,
