
13 Successful Attempts At 'Mild Vandalism'

successful vandalism


Published December 12, 2019

What better way to combat boredom than by jazzing up normal boring objects with googly eyes or adding new letters to spell out something way funnier? Not everyone on this planet can be Banksy, but the 13 attempts below are something to marvel at thanks to the subreddit /r/MildVandalism.

Thanking You For Letting Me Know

(Source: Reddit)

The World's Smallest Parking Lot

(Source: Reddit)

When You Get Bored In Target

(Source: Reddit)

Easiest Job Application Of All Time

(Source: Reddit)

But Why Is It So Angry With Me?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How Exciting!

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You For Appreciating My Choice To Take The Stairs

(Source: Reddit)

I Love You, London

(Source: Reddit)

Lindt's Is Lit

(Source: Reddit)

My Actual Face Looking At Apple Store Prices

(Source: Reddit)

The Perfect Balloons For A Murder Reveal Party

(Source: Reddit)

If You're Lost, You Can Look, And You Will Find Me In…

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/mildvandalism, reddit, church, peter, stockings, target, candles, gas station, ok boomer, santa claus, mike tyson, stairs, broken elevator, smiley face, googly eyes, google, balloons, chocolate, jeffrey epstein, woman yelling at a cat, collections,
