The weirder people of New York, as well as other metropolitan areas with subway systems, are not always the kind of people you want to be sitting next to on an underground train. Some of them are so strange that their behavior defies explanation, while others are simply trying to get through health guideline restrictions by using random objects as masks. Here are some of the most memorable recent sights.

Is There a Rule Against This? No?

(Source: Reddit)

A Surprisingly Wholesome One

(Source: Reddit)

A Furry Tail Invading Everyone's Personal Space

(Source: Reddit)

Something's Fishy

(Source: Reddit)

This Will Haunt My Nightmares

(Source: BoredPanda)


(Source: Justsomething)

The Jedi

(Source: Funny World)

Who's Side Are You On?

(Source: Twitter)

The Post-Apocalyptic Scavenger

(Source: Twitter)

And They Say Chivalry Is Dead

(Source: Twitter)

On the Prowl

(Source: Twitter)

Another NYC Subway Mask

(Source: Twitter)

And Another… If You Could Call It a Mask

(Source: Reddit)

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