The community and subreddit known as "/r/BrandNewSentence" contains some strange but interesting statements you'll probably need a few moments to process. It's not that they're particularly cursed or wrong. Instead, they're just so specific and random that we can't imagine they've ever been uttered before now. This is the first (and probably last) time you'll ever see or hear these combinations of words together, although some make understandable points.

Why did these people feel the need to share them with us? Who knows, but what we do know is that no one in the history of ever has combined these words in such an unexpected way, and the resulting "brand new sentences" are both interesting and pretty humorous. No one ever needed to discuss these things, and yet we're glad someone did. Take a look at our favorites you wouldn't have ever thought of before now.

Kinda Does Honestly

(Source: Reddit)

Frail Victorian Child

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Worst Baby Ever

(Source: Reddit)

"22222 Twosday" was a recent holiday we all were a little too excited about. This baby (who definitely doesn't exist anyway) was so close to having the coolest time of birth ever.


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Florida Is Terrifying

(Source: Reddit)

Apparently It's a Quote

(Source: Reddit)

Reddit always knows the wrong thing to say. And no, there's no context behind this quote given at all.

Gay Discount

(Source: Reddit)

Pride month doesn't come with any discounts, which is awfully disappointing, especially for this one commenter.


(Source: Reddit)

I'm Ready

(Source: Reddit)

Nervous Chair

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

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