
13 People We'd All Like To Avoid Encountering In The World


Published 4 years ago

Despite the divisiveness displayed on social media these days, one thing everyone can all agree on is that the people displayed below are not the type you'd probably have good interactions with. They're just incredibly awful or mean-spirited, and we sincerely hope they wake up tomorrow and decide to be a bit nicer before rejoining society. These folks are not just acting trashy in their own lives, they're actively upsetting everyone else too because they genuinely don't care about anyone but themselves, and the sorts of things they do are pretty disgusting at times. That's why we've collected some of the worst of it to share with you, in case you don't have someone like this in your life to make things much more difficult for you already.

Whether they're discarding their garbage in Walmart aisles or being a public nuisance, the following people clearly shine in the subreddit /r/Trashy. Here are 15 individuals we would like to avoid at all costs.

Seems A Bit Expensive

(Source: Reddit)

If Only They Could Read

(Source: Reddit)

The Fact That This Sign Exists Is Trashy

(Source: Reddit)

Stay Positive!

(Source: Reddit)

When You Feel Obligated To Test The Spray Paint

(Source: Reddit)

They're On A Break

(Source: Reddit)

An Attempt At Avoiding Parking Tickets

(Source: Reddit)

Casual Credit Card Fraud

(Source: Reddit)

When People Steal Your Donations

(Source: Reddit)

This Guy Continually Shines

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Thanks For Letting Us Know

(Source: Reddit)

That'll Help The Spread

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/trashy, college fund, pyramid scheme, spray paint, farrah abraham, tickets, pregnancy, stealing donations, jake paul, twitter, antibacterial gel, global warmer, pregnancy tests, collections,
