Quora is a strange site to explore. It's a Q and A style platform, but much of the time, the questions don't make a lot of sense. In fact, the questions are sometimes so far-fetched and confusing that we don't even know where to start with them. And it doesn't help that half the people answering them don't make any sense, either. We think psychologists would have an absolute field day reading through these.

While a lot of the site is devoted to meaningless nonsense, once in a while, something far wilder than usual appears. These sorts of questions (and answers) find themselves cataloged on Reddit's /r/insanepeoplequora. We've dug deep into some pretty strange and even disturbing questions and answers, and these are the weirdest we've found. Try not to think about them too much, or you could lose some brain cells.

The Neighbor Won't Obey the Shower Rules

(Source: Reddit)

Something about the word "obey" here really makes me cringe.

Yes, Definitely

(Source: Reddit)

That Poor Kid

(Source: Reddit)

Real Cute

(Source: Reddit)

Excuse Me?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Quality Parenting

(Source: Reddit)

That's a Little Too Much Information

(Source: Reddit)

Please don't tell us more.


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Good Luck With That

(Source: Reddit)

…Why Would We?

(Source: Reddit)

Someone really, really hates gas giants, and I have no idea why. What did they ever do to this person?

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