
13 Monty Python Memes From Timeless Classics

Two Monty Python memes in the following collection.


Published 3 years ago

Monty Python has never stopped being funny. It doesn't matter how much time goes by. The comedy group is known for its movies, which have gone on to become huge, especially in the online community, because the jokes from their many skits are particularly well-written and aged beautifully despite our senses of humor changing drastically over time. The fun and dark humor within Monty Python's many sketches and films will never be forgotten, especially by those who constantly joke about the same quotable lines over and over again online, which all of us seem to love enough to make everyone else concerned for us.

Even now, more meme templates are being created based on scenes from the movies and comedy sketches, so we can't help but love the comedy group even more. And since many of us grew up with Monty Python The Holy Grail, it's pretty nostalgic too. Here are some of our favorite Monty Python memes.

Sounds Like The Real #1

That’s Not Possible

Say It

What Is the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow?

He’s Our Hero


Peak Internet Humor Right Here

Finally, Someone Understands



When You Didn’t Have the High Ground

iPhone Users

You Guys Are Getting an Allowance?

Tags: monty python, monty python memes, memes, the holy grail, monty python and the holy grail, help help i'm being repressed, he is the messiah, just a flesh wound, movies, comedy, funny, classic, a blessing from the lord, the ways of science, collections,
