While working from home certainly has its perks, the video conferencing service Zoom, is definitely starting to annoy us all. Honestly, it appears that many Zoom meetings could have definitely been emails. Must we always need to video conference? Why can't we always choose the audio-only option? Here are 13 of our favorite memes mocking our virtual meeting world.

Very Much Here For This Conspiracy Theory

(Source: u/ExpoB)

Looking Good

(Source: u/melthesoviet)

Best Not To Send It

(Source: u/khansamirox)

Please Let Me Leave

(Source: u/Mlunadia)

Congratulations On Having This Theme Song Stuck In Your Head Now

(Source: u/sovamind)

Guess I'll Just Wait Here

(Source: u/theworldiscool123)

When You Have To Dress The Part

(Source: u/Sno0pyBo0)

Please Step Aside

(Source: u/kckeller)

We've All Mastered Lying In 2020

(Source: u/s4dput1n)


(Source: u/the_prophecy_is_true)

"Please Go On"

(Source: u/corvue)

Congratulations On Never Avoiding School Again

(Source: u/Infinity430)

Let's Wrap It Up Already

(Source: u/Buffalo_Soulja90)

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