If you're searching for new music to appropriately represent the times we're currently living in, might we suggest some heavy metal? If it isn't the screaming of lyrics that will sell you, perhaps it the memes that come along with it. According to the following images, even Bernie Sanders is embracing his inner metalhead, so why can't you? Here are 13 of our favorites collected fro the subreddit /r/MetalMemes.

Finally, Some Good News

(Source: Reddit)

Please Come Through, YouTube

(Source: Reddit)

Leave It All On The Stage

(Source: Reddit)

Jesus Is Metal

(Source: Reddit)

Good Publicity

(Source: Reddit)

Please Reconsider

(Source: Reddit)

We Can All Still Scream In Our Homes

(Source: Reddit)

Free Healthcare, Of Course

(Source: Reddit)

I'm The Captain Now

(Source: Reddit)

Step It Up, Billie

(Source: Reddit)

We've All Gone Soft

(Source: Reddit)

Something To Think About

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

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Comments 2 total

Kirb Blanco

This makes no fucking sense and it's making me angrier than these shitty editorials normally do.



Only ignorant peasants call Heavy Metal to all Metal music when the authentic is the name for… let's say Classic/Basic Metal
