13 Memes About Karens And Their Infamous 'Speak to the Manager' Haircut

Karens may seem like a thing of the past, but they're louder and more annoying than ever. It's impressive just what sort of things Karens will get upset about, and it's perhaps more impressive how they manage to share their angry rants on pretty much every public forum, even though it would damage the reputations of small businesses or ruin the days of customer service employees everywhere. The repercussions of their own actions don't apply to Karens, because they only care about themselves.
Hopefully, you don't have a Karen in your life. If you do, we hope you stay strong. If you don't, you can experience the frustration and confusion of a Karen encounter secondhand through the fifteen images here, which perfectly demonstrate how deeply their entitlement lies, and how little they care about people other than themselves. Take a look at some of the dumbest reasons a Karen chose to pick a fight online or in real life.