
13 Images For Those In Search Of An Easy Smile


Published 5 years ago

Being that it is now a holiday in the United States, we've decided to collect some images from the subreddit /r/MadeMeSmile to uplift your spirits for the day. We could all use some cheerful content, no matter what time of year it is, because it's always a great way to keep us feeling positive (or if you're a pessimist, it's a great way to make you appreciate something new and fun online).

Below are 13 photos of regular people, animals, and even celebrities partaking in the practice of spreading joy to others. Even when you're not feeling joyful yourself, maybe you can borrow some of theirs. That's what /r/MadeMeSmile is about, so don't let the subreddit down. Instead, give in to the fun, positive vibes from these great images.

Rightfully So

(Source: Reddit)

This Grandpa Making Other Grandpa's Look Terrible

(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)

What Disney Film Is This?

(Source: Reddit)

I Too Am Happy When I Don't Have To FaceTime

(Source: Reddit)

Free Hugs And Pie

(Source: Reddit)

Who Isn't Distracted By Jack Black?

(Source: Reddit)

I Think I Have A Heart Now?

(Source: Reddit)

Necessary Wholesomeness

(Source: Reddit)

I Need This Child To Do This For Me

(Source: Reddit)

Hot Topic Santa

(Source: Reddit)

The Greatest Gift One Can Give

(Source: Reddit)

This Tweet Should Come With Free Tissues

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: mr. rogers, /r/mademesmile, koko, pixar, up, costumes, yelp, restaurants, christmas, dogs, tortoise, animals, jack black, distracted boyfriend, steve irwin, ups, hot topic, santa, goth, plants, braille, menus, seth rogen, collections,
