In this day and age, it's pretty much impossible to meet a potential love interest without the use of a dating app. While older generations may be confused by our new form of dating, it's become so essential to forming a successful connection with someone else nowadays. You can scroll past hundreds of potential suitors in just a few minutes, and if you're unlucky enough, you'll match with one of these awkward people that you'll instantly regret talking to.

Let's face it: we're all tired of dating apps. No one wants to be on them, and the goal is to get off them, anyway. But the people captured in this collection have clearly become a little more fed up than the rest of us, and their Bumble matches had to suffer the cringeworthy interactions that ensued. People try switching to Bumble for a more personal take on mainstream dating apps like Tinder, but unfortunately there are bound to be some odd characters on every app you try. Here are some of the most uncomfortable exchanges from people seeking love on Bumble.

So Accusatory

(Source: Reddit)

She's so angry about this guy not messaging her first, as if she couldn't do it too. One of the main concepts behind Bumble is the fact that women have to make the first move. She must hate every man she matches with for not being permitted to message her first.


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Sounds Like a Winner

(Source: Reddit)

6'5 or Taller Only

(Source: Reddit)

This Fun Conversation Starter Failed

(Source: Reddit)

Found an Incel in the Wild

(Source: Reddit)

Here we have a certified "nice guy" who doesn't understand why women on this app won't date him. Isn't it obvious?

Should Have Stuck with "Hey"

(Source: Reddit)

Kelvin is a unit of temperature similar to Fahrenheit or Celsius, but it's often used in scientific fields due to its extremity. Clearly, Kalvin here isn't very scientific.


(Source: Reddit)

Seems Reasonable

(Source: Reddit)

It sounds like she wants a "sugar daddy" instead of a boyfriend.

Not Spontaneous Enough?

(Source: Reddit)

Asking a random person you're flirting with on Bumble to drive you five hours as a favor? I'd say this is one of the biggest red flags you can find without actually meeting the person.

He Then Unmatched Her

(Source: Reddit)

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