Tired of seeing interesting things online? Fortunately, we've got the perfect solution. These images aren't interesting. Not even mildly interesting. Not even if you try really, really hard to analyze them. There's just nothing there. You're not going to learn anything from them. And that's what makes them so great.

If you somehow are still interested in these images, then rest assured, you'll still be entertained by them. Just because there's nothing beneath the surface doesn't mean they're not hilarious. For some reason, content that's incredibly stupid can be incredibly funny. After all, people love sh*tposting, and this is just the next-level version of that. Here are some images and clips that aren't interesting whatsoever.

Powerade Left Outside: Day 40

(Source: Reddit)

All The Top Posts on This Sub This Month

(Source: Reddit)

Truly a thrilling saga. Can't imagine anything more interesting than this.

Where Could It Be?

(Source: Reddit)

Unbelievable Breaking News

(Source: Reddit)

This Two-Color Soap

(Source: Reddit)

Don't say it.

In Memorium

(Source: Reddit)

So Impactful

(Source: Reddit)

Slogans like this are really sending a message. Truly one of the messages of all time.

Just a Normal Fan

(Source: Reddit)

A Venn Diagram of Gay People and Farmers

(Source: Reddit)

How accurate is this? I think it might not be a very accurate graph.

A Beer Bubble that Slightly Resembles Australia

(Source: Reddit)

This is probably the most interesting thing here.

Just Some Normal Bread

(Source: Reddit)

If you saw him, you've been online too long.

Helpful Map

(Source: Reddit)

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