Sometimes, people come up with things they think are hilarious, like a plot to take over the neighborhood with an army of frogs. They don't always come off this way, though. Sometimes, these jokes get a second chance at life. Anything from a bad mugshot to the perfect news headline can lead to something becoming way funnier than it should be. And when that happens, these attempts at humor, whether intentional or intentional, wind up on Reddit. It doesn't matter how stupid the original joke is, because we're still appreciating them long after they're gone, even if we can't rationally explain why.

More specifically, they find their final resting place in the subreddit /r/comedyheaven, where dead jokes go to be worshipped. Fun fact: this sub is the very place Big Chungus was born. Considering what Big Chungus is, that's not really that surprising, though. Here are some of the dumbest jokes that somehow became funny all over again.

Must Be Wednesday

(Source: Reddit)

Looks like today's the day.

Looking Sick Too

(Source: Reddit)

Interesting Slogan

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe they should have thought this one through a little more.

At Least Someone Likes It

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Bank Customer Service

(Source: Reddit)

I feel bad for the people who have to put up with sorting through these transactions.

Mind Blown

(Source: Reddit)

Why Is The Mugshot Empty?

(Source: Reddit)

Looks like that was money well spent.


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Little Kevin

(Source: Reddit)

So This Was a Mistake

(Source: Reddit)

Baby Shark

(Source: Reddit)

My guess is they were trying to hit those frequently searched terms for their article to get noticed. But even we wouldn't resort to this.

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