
12 'Star Wars' Memes To Prove The Sequels May Have Some Redeeming Qualities After All

Two Sequel Memes from the following collection.


Published May 11, 2021

Everyone loves prequel memes, so much so that sequel memes rarely get the love they deserve. Sure, many of us didn't like the Star Wars sequels as much as we wanted to (and some fans truly despise them). We could debate the successes and failures of the sequels for hours, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be shunned from the canon just because many people didn't like them.

They still had their fun, quotable lines that make great memes, and even though the plots may have basically been the same as the original trilogy (please don't fight me in the comments) there were plenty of moments beyond just the sacred texts that deserved to become meme formats, as well as some great new ones from the beloved series The Mandalorian, which is also considered a sequel. Here are some of the best memes to prove everything following the original trilogy belongs in meme culture as well.

Nightmare Fuel

(Source: Reddit)

Why, Mom?

(Source: Reddit)

A Jedi Trait

(Source: Reddit)

Independence Day

(Source: Reddit)

He Can Aim, Unlike the Others

(Source: Reddit)

How's the Semester?

(Source: Reddit)

Wipe Them Out. All of Them

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I Really Can't Help You

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Too Lazy

(Source: (Source: Reddit)

Darth Jar Jar

(Source: Reddit)

How Could You?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: star wars, memes, prequel memes, sequel memes, the sacred texts, the rise of skywalker, the force awakens, the last jedi, the mandalorian, mando, disney, collections,
