
12 Quora Users Who Should Have Kept Their Questions To Themselves

Two images from r/insanepeoplequora


Published February 18, 2023

I don't remember signing up for daily questions from Quora, but at some point I must have, because most mornings, when I look at my phone, I'm met with at least one obscure question headlining an email from Quora. Some are more normal or boring than others. Other times, they are so shocking I think about them for the rest of the day. It's these types of questions that keep me from unsubscribing from those emails. Why is it that people will admit to their most messed up thoughts and inquiries on a somewhat unheard-of question sight?

The people of Quora are just a worse version of the people who inhabit Yahoo! Answers. Thankfully, a collective group of people have come together to screenshot and share some of the worst from Quora and compile them into Reddit's /r/InsanePeopleQuora. Instead of asking the general public these questions, please, seek professional help, because we all are concerned.

The Irony Is Wild

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, I Wonder

(Source: Reddit)

Valid Question

(Source: Reddit)

Good question. Could happen one day.

At Least They're Concerned About Safety

(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)

That'll Show Him

(Source: Reddit)

Google Exists For These Questions Exactly

(Source: Reddit)

No, That Seems Fair

(Source: Reddit)

I Also Need to Know

(Source: Reddit)

I Don't Think That's How It Works

(Source: Reddit)

Just Curious

(Source: Reddit)

That Sums It Up

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/insanepeoplequora, quora, reddit, questions, insane people of quora, quora questions, funny, collections,
